Characters (110)

Blue superheroine with impossibly large breasts.
A young and beautiful blonde whose greatest desire is to have a boyfriend.
A beautiful and competitive woman who always gets what she wants.
A very mysterious sorcerer who has powers that will help Veronika with her wishes.
Summer is a great excuse to make a special stream, one that will end up very different for Clara.
Blond is the new Red. After the fame of her stream took off, Clara decides to make a Halloween special.
A beautiful redhead who wants to be a famous streamer on a very special site.
The fast-talking tech genius of the group. Late-twenties. ~5 ft 4 in, lithe build, ~100 lbs.
The mysterious antagonist that wants to turn America into a bimbo playland.
CIA agent who knows more than she’ll admit. Late-thirties. ~5 ft 3 in, curvy build.
Bonnie is a tall and happy girl. She has a great high fashion body with PETITE breasts. She knows it, and she makes it work.
The hot model’s cute, rough and tumble friend. She is an adventure girl. About 5'2" and ready to try anything.