
In the tradition of a famous movie monster, a mad scientists seeks to create his vision of the perfect woman…and gets more than he expected!


Doctor von Wurstein, a brilliant yet eccentric scientist, finds himself on the brink of a momentous scientific breakthrough. With his twisted project nearing completion, he is tantalizingly close to achieving his lifelong dream: to create his intellectual equal and reanimate the perfect research partner. His laboratory is filled with the humming of arcane machinery and the flickering of strange contraptions.! Unfortunately, his assistant Ingvar mixed up the brains and von Wurstein’s creation awakens with a seemingly unfounded insatiable lust! Will the good doctor succumb to her advances? Just who is in control of this situation!?

Official Publisher's Review

Paying homage to a classic horror movie monster, xCuervos brings a porno-parody spin to everyone’s favorite reanimated monster who was stitched together from a collection of body parts! Frankenbimbo is a simple story, giving us the usual story tropes of the mad doctor reanimating the put-together “perfect body” that he plans to store the brain of a brilliant researcher. A totally unexpected mix-up occurs and Penny Poundswell’s brain in placed into his creation. It turns out Penny was a porn star who was very good at her job while she was alive! To add to von Wurstein’s woes (and to the delight of our readers), a malfunctioning silicone pump intended to fill in space gives Ms. Poundswell bigger curves than ever before!

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In the tradition of a famous movie monster, a mad scientists seeks to create his vision of the perfect woman…and gets more than he expected!

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She (was) is the perfect assistant. Slightly bottom-heavy with a big butt and wider than average hips.