Country Time

Country Time

Life on the farm can be much better than one might imagine.


Sometimes the life of being a salesperson can be boring and emotionless. But what happens when your product is a perfect match for the buyer? Such is the new life of Jons, a simple vacuum cleaner salesman who meets the beautiful (and hugely gifted) Molly who, as a courtesy, offers him a glass of milk, but not just any milk. But a special one that is milked in this small farm. And what’s so special about it? It has the ability to make any part of the body grow to ensure the true pleasure of drinking milk. It only remains to discover where this mysterious drink comes from and what else to do with it!

Official Publisher's Review

Hello dear Botcomics readers! This time we bring you a story full of transformations, expansions and lots and lots of action. Compacted in only 4 episodes, SCO and J.J. McQuade manage to bring together the beauty of a farmer with the capabilities of a cow. Pages full of milk, mystery and expansions (lots of expansions)! What would you do if you were in his place? Would you give up the boring life of being a salesman in exchange for enjoying the rest of your existence with beautiful women capable of giving milk with their bodies? I think the answer is not very difficult. Venture into the pages of Country Time!

2 Responses

  1. The writing in this is the worst that I’ve seen. It is so unnaturally formal. It seems to have been written by a non-native English speaker or something.
    It is stuff like this:
    “Good day. I am hear to sell you a vacuum cleaner”
    “That is good. You may come in and show me your wares”
    “Thank you. I will assemble the vacuum here”

    1. Hi DanS03, thank you for your attention to this issue. We would like to inform you that the correct chapter is already uploaded on the site. If you purchased the series you can download the new version from your Dashboard. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you and we hope you enjoy the series! ♥

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Life on the farm can be much better than one might imagine.

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Life on the farm can be much better than one might imagine.

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Life on the farm can be much better than one might imagine.

Related Characters

Molly is a beautiful farmer able to create milk with her body (which is also magical!).
Jons leads a very boring life as a vacuum cleaner salesman. Despite that, he's willing to give it all up for a little more action.