Cruise Controlled

Amanda finds herself having a swell time on board a cruise after meeting the mysterious Master Grey.


Taking readers on a vacation from standard land-based stories, Kris P. Kreme offers a tropical cruise where the weather doesn’t seem to be interested in cooperating. He introduces two sisters, both similar in looks, with the younger having a slight edge so far as bust size and vivid hair color. But the younger sister is shy and has never enjoyed guys attention to her. She blames her breasts and the fact they seem to have grown so fast.

Everything seems typical in this tale, the play between sisters, the teasing and poking of fun, but then it takes a quick and very twisted turn one night after Hannah and Amanda enjoy a wine cooler evening inside their cabin on board. Hannah persuades her younger sister into attending an adult hypnosis show that plays every night at midnight. Once there, the dominoes fall and soon Amanda is the center of attention.

From this point on, the fun starts and the rather growing problems for the girls begin as Amanda’s hypnotic suggestions take hold to a degree even the hypnotist might not have been able to foresee. Needless to say, Amanda finds her breasts growing to new proportions while trying to inhibit that growth through the comical task of doing every man on board.

Humor and memorable scenes are frequent in this BE comic. Even a twist towards the end can’t slow the pace as the sisters find their lives very much Cruise Controlled.

Official Publisher's Review

For Amanda, going on a cruise ship for 6 days was the least preferred way to loosen up and relax. However, her older and wilder sister Hannah is determined to show the younger girl that being around a crowd is not necessarily a bad thing. She also is in full support that guys, contrary to Amanda’s long standing beliefs, are not the source of all her problems.

After some drunken persuasion over wine coolers one night, Hannah drags Amanda to an adult hypnosis midnight showing with the mysterious Master Grey. Once she has volunteered her younger and far bustier sister for the performance, everything begins spinning out of control.

Master Grey convinces Amanda that her breasts are still growing, getting larger and larger, and that the only way to stop them is for Amanda to have sex with every guy on board the ship before the cruise ends. Naturally, it’s all for the amusement of the crowd and mostly Hannah. But what will happen when he tells Hannah a simple action that will break the suggestion from her sister’s mind, one she just can’t quite perform?

In the end, both Hannah and Amanda might just find themselves Cruise Controlled.

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