Captain Amour

Jen, an outcast, accidentally creates Captain Amour one Halloween night with a spell gone wild, ensuring mayhem.


Jen is rejected from her applied sorority house, Pi Epsilon Delta. Feeling isolated and outcast, she swears vengeance against it and its president, Brandi. One fateful Halloween night, she conjures a spell and sneaks into the party, cursing them all. Everyone immediately begins to transform into their various costumes, becoming ultra-sexualized versions of whatever it is they’re wearing. Initially thinking that she can control her new slutty monsters, Jen finds herself quickly over her head as they begin to gang up on her. Lucky for her though, in her negligence, she has transformed Brani into Captain Amour! The captain rescues Jen and flees with her to safety, back to Jen’s dorm room. But mayhem is spreading across the campus. All of the various sexual monsters have been released, and after hearing a cry for help Captain Amour is back off, determined to save the day. She comes across Penis Fly Trap, a vine-like plant woman. As the two start to duke it out, Jen is back in her bedroom, trying to find a reversal spell. Her troubles aren’t over though, as Arach-Syd, a gigantic spider-like woman, climbs into her window, hungry. Jen attempts to fight her off but only makes matters worse yet again by transforming Arach-Syd into an even larger and more mutated version of herself. We are left on a cliffhanger as to what happens next.

Official Publisher's Review

It’s Jen’s freshman year, and the college adjustment period has been a difficult one for her. This is made painfully apparent by the latest of her struggles. Denied from her application into the sorority Pi Epsilon Delta, her overall desperation turns to anger and she swears vengeance against both the house and its president, Brandi. One fateful Halloween night, Jen conjures a powerful spell to curse Pi Epsilon Delta and then releases it at their annual party. Everyone immediately begins to transform and change into their various costumes, growing hyper-sexualized and out of control. Quickly realizing that she’s put herself in over her head, Jen cries out for help! Luckily for her, she’s created the ultimate superhero in her negligence. Formally Brandi, Captain Amour leaps into action, ready to save the day! But their troubles are just beginning. Can she and Jen make it through the night and figure out a way to regain control? Read Captain Amour to find out!

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