
The Galathea lover is murdered and she find the seal of Hapy.


Galathea makes love with her ​​lover Jules. This promised a gift after a Gala Party to which she must attend. They are staying at a Palace in Nice, where the party is done. Galathea Melethias is a sovereign Princess of a small Aegean island called Gaeapathos. It is an independent state in the style of the island of Monaco. What nobody knows is that the princess Galathea impersonates an adventurous archaeologist named Gala Theodorakis. And that’s just for starters. Galathea does giant at will, controlling the extent of their growth. Returning from the party Galathea finds Jules dead and pursues her captors. She turns Giant and traps them, but they kill themselves. Galathea returns to the room and his assistants had found something that Jules. An ancient seal with figures of Hapi and Udayet gods.

Official Publisher's Review

Galathea Melethias is a sovereign Princess of a small Aegean island called Gaeapathos. It is an independent state in the style of the island of Monaco.
What nobody knows is that the princess Galathea impersonates an adventurous archaeologist named Gala Theodorakis. And that’s just for starters. Galathea do giant at will, controlling the extent of their growth. She is very horny and is always hungry for sex. It is also an archaeologist and explorer, she often make expeditions in search of hidden treasures and lost worlds. She is the nobility of Europe, and likes to party and fun. He is brave and not afraid of anything. His past is a mystery that will reveal in the nexts chapters. In this first chapter gets its hands on an ancient Egyptian seal with the image of the egiptians gods Hapy and Udayet. Who was Hapy in Galathea life? Why do she say that she will have to meet with the Egyptian gods? How old is actually Galathea?

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