Remote Management_Title

Remote Management

Bonnie and Erin meet a weirdo at the grocery store. Wait... Weirdo? Actually he's kind of... HOT!


Erin and Bonnie just needed some groceries for a salad really. That’s all they wanted. Well, that and a little fun because apparently girls just wanna have fun. Well, they’re gonna get more fun that groceries. And larger breasts. And maybe slightly different views on sex in public. And sex with each other. And why not sex with the guy with the magic remote control.
Why not? That’s all fun, right?
Of course it is, so welcome back to the wild and wacky world of the Polyversal Remote Control, device that makes the hottest fantasy as easy as point and click.

Official Publisher's Review

Master PC has been getting too much love lately and the Polyversal Remote Control is getting jealous.
We can’t have that, so Bill Pratt welcomes you back to the crazy universe of the Remote Control and rectifies the problem with a cold open that is extremely HOT! Ladies with tits literally the size of melons. Dicks like plantains. Beds of lettuce. That’s right! There’s going to be some serious clean-up on aisle seven that’s to the Epic sex-and-transformation romp!
And who’s going to have to do that clean-up? Helena, of course. She always gets the crappy jobs.

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Remote Management #1

Bonnie and Erin meet a weirdo at the grocery store. Wait... Weirdo? Actually he's kind of... HOT!

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Bonnie is a tall and happy girl. She has a great high fashion body with PETITE breasts. She knows it, and she makes it work.
The hot model’s cute, rough and tumble friend. She is an adventure girl. About 5'2" and ready to try anything.
Helena looks burned out (and indeed she Is burned out) but tries to bring excitement and enthusiasm to his life.