This Week's Release

The Adventures of Superstar: Villains Anonymous #5

In the final issue of the series, Danica and the ragtag crew of Villains Anonymous join forces to restore justice.

This Week's Release

Master PC – Stepsister #5

Master PC: just one click away from your dreams!

Last Week's Release

Slime Traveler #1

Shauna must adapt to her new superhero lifestyle, juggling her social life and her awesome new shapeshifting abilities.

Last Week's Release

Pre-Order | Master PC – Stepsister #5

Master PC: just one click away from your dreams!

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Superstar is back for its exciting conclusion! This is the climax you have all been waiting for! Transformations, expansion, and tentacles, oh my! With Darkstar’s descent into corruption and power finally complete, she becomes the invincible MonStar. This sexy giant is on a warpath, capturing and fucking anything she can get her gelatinous hands on. Huge boobs incoming! Nearly undefeatable, it will take a miracle to stop her and bring her curvy ass to justice. Can Danica, Tina, and the Villain’s Anonymous Villains crew come up with a plan to level the playing field? What kind of madness and sexual deviancy awaits them all? How far are they willing to go for victory? In this iconic chapter of Superstar’s legacy, history will be written, lives will be changed, and lust will be unleashed! This is everything you could ever want from the exciting conclusion of a superhero series. Swoop in, beloved readers!