Master PC: Ordinary People

Can Master PC be as much fun when you are a responsible adult?


Bill Pratt brings back JR Parz’s Master PC with a new story about people who are not so hormone-addled and stupid. Or at least that what Bill hopes. As always these things kind of get out of hand once you start writing them, and with Master PC in the game, things can go a lot further a lot faster. So sit down, buckle up, and enjoy the ride as Bill’s new friend Mark deals with a broken computer, a lackluster IT department, a bitchy boss, and the tease next door all in hopes of a little quiet time with his very busy wife.

Official Publisher's Review

Mark and his loving wife Dale are hitting the doldrums phase of their marriage. Established in their careers, their lives are mostly get up, go to work, and come home too tired to even get started on having kids. But you’ve probably guessed that this is about to change. On another boring day at work, Mark’s PC breaks and what the IT department can scrounge up is a relic of the last millennium, complete with Windows 98, Word Perfect, Quatro Pro, and Master PC. Yeah. That Master PC.
So what is a guy in his mid thirties going to do with Master PC? Surely not the same stupid things a teenager would. Surely he wouldn’t give himself a foot-long dick with irresistible seductive powers. No way is he going to turn his wife into a hot-bodied sex-toy. Of course he wouldn’t wake up in bed with his yoga-loving fresh-from-high-school neighbor. Not a chance. He’s grown up. Mature.

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