Goo-Girl Gone Bad

When an experiment goes wrong at a laboratory, Gwen is caught in the middle of it, transforming into something strangely alluring.


Gwen, a new and ditzy intern at an experimental biochemistry lab, has her fair share of accidents. Prone to clumsiness, her supervisors become increasingly fed up with her and the disaster that seems to unfortunately follow her. They forcibly lock Gwen into a lab, telling her not to touch anything and just stay out of the way of everyone. Ashamed and angered, Gwen regrettably does her best to follow their instructions, only for fate to intervene. As a chemical experiment starts to go noticeably wrong, Gwen puts forth her best effort to get the situation under control. But like clockwork, things only worsen for her and are soon out of hand. A terrible explosion occurs, Gwen trapped in the middle of it. After the smoke clears, revealing the devastating aftermath, Gwen finds herself transformed, both physically and spiritually, with a new outlook on life. Her desire to breed becomes insatiable– and she knows just the right people to start satiating herself with, using her newly transformed body to its full effect. Her supervisors won’t know what hit them.

Official Publisher's Review

Gwen’s routine is anything but easy or ordinary. Her entire life, she’s battled against the dumb blonde stereotype, but clumsiness and ill-fortune never seem to leave her alone. Working at an experimental biochemistry lab, her bad luck catches up with her one fateful day, transforming her into a living, breathing, goo-girl. She’s transparent, she’s tacky, and she’s amazing.

Her mind becomes consumed with the need for passion and desire. Able to transform her entire body at will, changing it into any wanted shape, she immediately seeks sexual revenge on her scornful supervisors, turning them all into goo-girls for her benefit in the process. It’s a tale of strange revenge, bizarre corruption, and overwhelming pleasure. See what kind of mischief can come with being made of slime, and maybe you yourself will want to feel its sticky embrace. From BotComics and writer DeLonge comes another thrilling tale of sex and transformation. Read Goo-Girl today!

7 Responses

  1. I noticed the status is finished, but the ending was sort of a cliffhanger. Would love for this one to be continued, it’s my favorite on the site and I’ve been hoping for years for a continuation

      1. Please do! It was one of the few comics I got a full sub to back in the day in the hopes it’d continue, and probably my favorite. REALLY hoping for a followup!

  2. This story definitely needs a few chapters, not just one. I have been waiting much like some of the great stories that came before it that were in hiatus. I really hope it is not just a one chapter add on and done. This baby needs to rip.

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