Guaranteed as Advertised: Bobbi’s Tale

Zara arranges it so that Robert's trip to Belle's Boutique leads to a brand new life.


There was a time when stores stood by their products. Somewhere, there’s a store that still stands by anything they sell and guarantees they’ll work as advertised. Belle’s Boutique is one such store. Belle firmly believes that the customer should always get what was promised, though it’s not always in the way they expect it to.

In this short, Zara has convinced Robert, a good friend and cross-dresser that has a crush on her, that she really likes a specific brand from Belle’s Boutique. Little does Robert know that Zara has plans to bring Bobbi out into the real world with some help from Belle’s Boutique.

Official Publisher's Review

Another piece in a new series of shorts by Fahzbehn. As always, there’s a touch of sentiment and humor that people have come to enjoy from Fahzbehn’s stories. Similar to the Spells ‘R Us universe in feel, Belle’s Boutique is little more mainstream. Magic, as usual, plays a part. As always, it helps to pay attention to what’s advertised.

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