Spells R Us: The Sexy Formula

Two girls visit Spells R Us to cure their love troubles. They are given The Sexy Formula which transforms their bodies. If they are called sexy, however, something drastic happens.


Dina and Mary are your typical art-school nerds. While they are lamenting their love troubles in their local mall. Dina wants to attract the attention of the actor, Jimmy, while Mary wants the attention of the basketball star, Luke. Suddenly, they stumble upon the store “Spells R Us!” Inside, the seemingly all knowing Warlock provides the ladies with a potion called The Sexy Formula. He promises them that within a few hours, their bodies will transform to the sexy beings they always wanted to be. HOWEVER, if they are called sexy, something very, very drastic happens to them. Dina decides she will be the first to drink the potion. Overnight, her body completely changes! She immediately informs Mary who downs some of the potion just before school. Right in the middle of art class, Mary’s body completely changes as well! And it seems that no one really notices! The two girls both decide that they can’t wait to get laid!

Official Publisher's Review

Spells R Us: The Sexy Formula is the first part of another addition to the legendary series. SupremeD sets this part up perfectly as the two loser girls become totally smoking hot bimbos by the end! The setup is also a different way the series triggers growth, since it’s the girls who drink the potion instead of their lovers. We get not just one, but two bimboficiations in one comic! That’s my money’s worth right there! I especially LOVE Mary’s transformation since it takes place in the middle of class! There’s so much growing that takes place in this issue, I don’t even know how there will be more growth in the sequels! The plot moves quickly enough that we get to both growth sequences with no pause in between. And it’s especially risky that everyone wants to call the new hotties sexy! I can’t wait to see what the sequel brings in store!

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Spells R Us: The Sexy Formula #3

After finishing her vial of The Sexy Formula, Mary tempts Luke to meet her in the locker room for some fun.

Spells R Us: The Sexy Formula #2

After taking The Sexy Formula, Dina finally gets her moment with Jimmy. In the heat of it, he utters a certain word.

Spells R Us: The Sexy Formula #1

Two girls visit Spells R Us to cure their love troubles. They are given The Sexy Formula which transforms their bodies. If they are called sexy, however, something drastic happens.

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A mysterious man who owns the store Spells R Us. Despite his seemingly malevolent intentions, he always tries to help women seeking a TRANSFORMATION in their lives.
He is the professor at the art school attended by the girls. He is clearly more interested in the models than in the class itself.
Mary always wanted the attention and looks from all men, and it seems that with this new potion, she might just get it.
Dina is tired of being the typical nerd girl, so she decides to try a new formula that will change her life.

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