Monday Promo_Stranger Growth

Stranger Growth

College activists Matias and Sam have finally tracked down the latest iteration of the nefarious god particle experiments.


Friday and Sam have finally tracked down the Institute where Friday was experimented on, only to discover there are other people who have been experimented on still under the thrall of the evil Dr. Jan. These include the masculine Monday (who is in need of a lesson), as well as the sexy, platinum, twins Saturday and Sunday. Friday and Sam are in for one hell of a fight, and they’ll have to pull out all their expansion tricks. Sam will grow far beyond any limits she’s had before, and even then it might not be enough!

Official Publisher's Review

The finale is upon us of the Stranger Growth series. What started out as a Stranger Things parody has evolved into an amazing & sexy action adventure comic. We see an enticing blend of breast expansion, giantess growth, mini-giantess comparison, feats of strength, femdom, ass and thigh expansion, as well as some solid female muscle growth. There are a few sexually oriented moments, but for the most part this series has focused on the sensuality of growth and big women fighting–and this finale is going to deliver in spades. Don’t miss out!

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